Colours, baloons, water-filled, coloured water, pichkaari, find their way into almost every other home in the country, children are found on most of the balconies, on the roads, inside the parks, splashing coloured water on each other.
While adults also enjoy in their own way, the holi celebrations are mostly meant for the young kids, who, for once, dnt mind getting up early on this day and getting drenched and, most importantly, staying drenched till well into the afternoon, when harried mothers, smiling behind their stern expressions, drag the kids inside for an elaborate bath to take off all the colour put into the hair, eyes, ear, etc, etc। Looking forward to enjoy the festival and its sights, though, I do not celebrate much of Holi myself.
However, there is one more thing that I am looking forward to this Holi (actually to be precise, after this Holi) and that is the release of film "गुलाल," filmmaker अनुराग कश्यप's first release after "देव डी ". I have put up a poster of the film, available on Internet, to give the readers an idea of what the film is like (though, I have a hunch that the movie will not be suited to everyone's liking, though I wish I am proven wrong).
The promos are available on Youtube and if anyone cares to watch, here is the link:
The promo looks explosive and I am sure that the movie will be an even better success than Dev D. It represents the struggles of the youth of today in the backdrop of regional politics (entirely my guess).
The actors are lesser known, except for Kay Kay of course but, nevertheless, their expressions say it all.
It is good that movies of today are ready to shed the burden of being a vehicle for escaping the harsh realities of life, which we simply cannot ignore anymore.
Corruption, political debauchery, regionalism, unemployment, lack of ideals and moral disintegration are the parasites that are eating away into the foundations of our Indian society and kudos to Kashyap and others of his ilk for briging them face to face for us.
wishing u a very happy holi
expressed quite articulately yamini..i 2 blv dat cinema must take us away from d escapist philosophy and right into d thick of things..face 2 face wid d reality..
wish a very very happy holi 2 u!
As usual, I will like to differ from the viewpoint shared by Charu and you. As both of you know I am a staunch supporter of the escapist cinema.
a simple question for the advocates of real cinema... or rather selective reality cinema.
Does it make any sense that a person, already seeing a hell lot of reality in REAL LIFE, pays money to see more of it???
I truly believe that cinema, which is entertaining, is the best form of the art.
And I am almost 100% sure that I will be hearing a LOT and LOT from both, Charu and U, against my views. :D
and the best part is I am looking forward to it :D
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