Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lately, i have been coming across a lot of writeups on various blogs that bring out the "not so good" aspect of life in the national capital. Ranging from absence of civic amenities to traveling on DTC buses, there are a lot of things, which can hardly be called a luring aspect of life in a metro. However, before anybody gets up to shoot me over bringing Delhi down, or something like that, let me clear the air (well, it actually needs to be cleared, ain't it???). Anyways, I was saying that Delhi in itself is not bad, no city is because a city, town or a village is as good or as bad as the people who live in it. So, in the old fashioned way of explanation, pointing a finger at Delhi would mean pointing three fingers at ourselves. (Can't figure out how???? Well, try pointing a finger at someone and you will see for urself.) The funda of going so deeeeeeeeep into this was to say that instead of pointing accusations at authorities (they give a damn about the city or its condition, nevertheless) is not going to solve the problem. So, why can't we, with our own hands, do something to clear the air (literally!!!!). What say???? let me know 'coz I am waiting to hear from u........

1 comment:

fatoori said...

it is quite true..common people are the ones who can truly make a wat do u suggest, wat shud v do?